From Leader to Coach: The Science and Practice of Coaching as a Key Leadership Skill


This course is for organizational leaders who are looking for new ways to lead your team in a time of constant change and adaptation.

As businesses transform themselves for the ever-evolving digital age, leadership models are also changing. Many organizations and teams want to move away from a top-down, command-and-control mode of leadership. Enter the coach.

Coaching is a style of leadership that facilitates a learning culture by asking questions instead of directing, listens actively, and supports staff growth and autonomy rather than dictating how team members should do their work. A leader who can embrace coaching as a management style can unlock potential and increase engagement among members of your team, which in turn, can boost productivity and quality of work. Furthermore, great coaching can lead to better worker well-being and employee retention.

It sounds great, but the coaching style of leadership doesn’t come naturally to all managers, and there can be resistance to working this way. In this workshop, participants will understand the fundamentals of coaching by learning about the science of human brains, human interaction, and insights from research into social-emotional intelligence. You’ll learn the key principles of excellent coaching and will have the opportunity to put the tools and skills you’ve learned into practice.

Learning outcomes:

Over the course of this workshop, participants will learn:

  • What a coaching mindset looks like and how it differs from consulting or therapy.

  • The brain science behind effective coaching.

  • The differences between different models and techniques of coaching, from the Growing Model to action and awareness techniques.

  • How to generate genuine a-ha moments among team members.

  • How to create systems of accountability to help your team members grow.

  • How to cultivate social-emotional intelligence in yourself and the people you manage.

  • How to create an atmosphere of trust and safety among your team.

  • Use coaching to align individual team member development with the success of the team and organization.

 Contact us for more information or to book a workshop.