Beat Writer’s Block And More: Become Better At Scientific Writing


This workshop is for academics who struggle with the writing process.

Writing well and prolifically is a crucial element of academic success. But writing can cause a lot of anxiety, because many people (falsely) believe that writing is an inborn talent. Not true!

Clear and precise writing can be learned, and in this workshop, we teach you how.

We’ll start by assessing your own writing process and the blocks or habits that slow you down. You will learn step-by-step how to improve your writing process, how to break free of the “perfect sentence vortex,” and the fundamentals of clear and compelling academic prose.

You will also have the time to reflect on and improve your writing skills through hands-on exercises, discussions with your peers, and homework assignments. Moreover, you’ll be introduced to the norms and conventions of writing in English.

Over the course of this workshop, participants will:

  • Understand your unique writing process and learn how to optimize your process for higher-quality output.

  • Increase your writing productivity. 

  • Learn to manage common obstacles to writing such as procrastination, perfectionism, lack of motivation, and anxiety.

  • Understand how to increase the flow and cohesion of your writing.

  • Learn to structure academic manuscripts, including tips for writing each section of a journal article. 

  • Learn to write with the reader in mind.

  • Understand how to write clearly and effectively in English by detecting and uprooting common writing mistakes.

  • Revise and polish your work and give constructive and valuable edits to your peers and students.

 Contact us for more information or to book a workshop.