As a postdoctoral fellow I participated in a workshop provided by Djahane, which aimed at supporting Postdocs in their Post-Academic career finding. This transition from academia to industry is by far not trivial, and Postdocs at this stage of their career need tools to understand how to transfer their expertise to master their job interviews. An extraordinary energy emanates from Djahane, who excels in transmitting her positive energy and gives us thoughtful and personalized advice in alignment with our profile, goals and values. I felt empowered after this training and strongly determined to start my job search with confidence and excellent tools in hands. Djahane is very professional, extremely organized, flexible, and makes you feel immediately confident and feel at ease with her. I could not find a better trainer and coach for developing and guiding me through my career path. This training with Djahane, in addition to being a great push for starting my job search in the best conditions, gave me the motivation to get involved in the career development group of the EPFL Postdoc Association to provide support to people in their career. As a member of this working group, I have the great pleasure to organize trainings at EPFL with Djahane, and we look forward to pursuing our collaboration in the future, which is extremely valuable for our community of Postdocs.

—Dr. Solène Oberli , EPFL Postdoc Association

I've been fortunate to have conducted a couple of workshops with Djahane. I feel that her messages are always aligned with the questions or doubts that I have right then. Not only do you notice that she has a great deal of knowledge about what she suggests, but she also transmit energy and enthusiasm. And from that moment on, everything looks and flows much more easily.

—Julio Monzon, University of Freiburg

During my PhD studies I realised that the one thing you need for a successful PhD are writing skills. Until I met Djahane I thought writing is a skill you either have or don’t have. Now I know I can train my writing skills like a muscle and get better at it every day. She was the best teacher to develop my writing, by offering a bouquet of different techniques to choose from. I now experienced that writing can be fun. I was just thinking about it in the wrong, limiting way. Now I am a productive and confident writer!

—Sylvie Berthelot

Djahane is a fun but no-nonsense coach. Through my workshop with her, I learned to see the PhD writing process with fresh perspectives. I left the workshop equipped with a toolbox of strategies to experiment with when I get stuck and the confidence to tackle my writing process head-on. Djahane was also great at tapping into the group energy and generating a collaborative and motivated atmosphere!

—Anran Luo

The workshop with Djahane was the perfect driver I needed to organize and focus my research. Her coaching help me to recognize my own ideas and skills, organize them and put them into action. After a couple of sessions working with her, I was able to address my research’s challenges in an organized and smooth workflow.

—Carlos Landivar

My participation in Djahane’s workshop has definitely helped me become more structured and focussed. I am getting work done more efficiently and catch myself before I get distracted. That's motivating! I like Djahane's approach of balancing bite-size productivity and motivation tips and directly putting the tips into action during the sessions. This helped me a lot in internalizing the tips on the spot. I experienced Djahane as a strong and clear instructor with a great sense of humour."

—Dr. Naomi Radke

An unserem Gymnasium war der Design-Thinking-Workshop von Align-Coaching ein besonderes Ereignis. In einem Schulsystem, wo Erfolg die Passung zu einem vorgegebenen Curriculum bedeutet, wird der Zugang zur Kreativität, Intuition und inneren Werten selten bewusst gefördert. Das kann zu unglücklicher Studien- oder Karrierewahl führen. Deshalb kann ich Schulen die Durchführung eines solchen Workshops wärmstens empfehlen. Mit ihrer inspirierenden Persönlichkeit und ihrer grossen Ausstrahlung gelang es Dr. Djahane Banoo, eine Verbindung zu den Maturand*innen in Kürze aufzubauen. Mit einem klaren Prozess führte sie die Gruppe ruhig und effektiv über die Schwelle von Richtig-oder-Falsch hinaus in die Welt der genuinen Kreation. Die Atmosphäre war den ganzen Tag über hoch seriös und gleichzeitig entspannt und offen, die Teilnehmenden gingen geklärt und voller Tatendrang nach Hause.

—Geneviève Appenzeller, Schulleitung des Gymnasiums der Obersee Bilingual School SZ